The basic mistake is separating the subject from the ground. This is useful in order to navigate “independently “, and science does this in spades, calling the fractured view “reality”. Psychedelics and meditative disciplines (hell, walking, listening to music, etc) supresses individuation, exposing the underlying substrate we are joined with.
Watching a movie ‘feels real’. My N,N-DMT experiences of being a box that went from 3D to 2D then a line felt real. I was a box. Now I’m a human. Apparently. Ultimately we don’t know what we are and as you have pointed out, perhaps we don’t have the capacity. If you want to take psychedelics and if they are of relevance in your life, then crack on, whatever anyone might think about your experiences. I have found them a great tool to aid in trauma release.
This is a really complex topic and just another conception in the long row of different conceptions. It would be great if somebody developed a method or device that could help everyone to perceive "true real reality." But now it's just another theory.
What you wrote does not prove that you are not yr brain, but I still think it is a good argument for some intellectual humility.
Thank you for a clearly written article!
The basic mistake is separating the subject from the ground. This is useful in order to navigate “independently “, and science does this in spades, calling the fractured view “reality”. Psychedelics and meditative disciplines (hell, walking, listening to music, etc) supresses individuation, exposing the underlying substrate we are joined with.
Watching a movie ‘feels real’. My N,N-DMT experiences of being a box that went from 3D to 2D then a line felt real. I was a box. Now I’m a human. Apparently. Ultimately we don’t know what we are and as you have pointed out, perhaps we don’t have the capacity. If you want to take psychedelics and if they are of relevance in your life, then crack on, whatever anyone might think about your experiences. I have found them a great tool to aid in trauma release.
This is a really complex topic and just another conception in the long row of different conceptions. It would be great if somebody developed a method or device that could help everyone to perceive "true real reality." But now it's just another theory.
Psychedelics are tools (that should be handled with care) that might offer insights